Friday, March 13, 2009

New Crop

Well the grand experiment of chickens has begun.  On a cold and snowy day we went to the ranch and feed store and got 4 baby chicks.  One buff orphington, one boradrock, and two americunas.  They are so cute, fuzzy making little peeping noises.  Norbert the dog does not know what to think.  Until they started moving about their pen he could have cared less.  We put them in an old tupperware bin with a little bit of pine shavings on the floor and a heat lamp to keep them warm.  I think they live in the box for 6 weeks.  Right now the box is inside in the living room.  I think in a couple of weeks as the weather gets warmer and the chicks get bigger they will move to the garage or shed.  I have named them, bbq, fried, stewed and baked, the children have different names in mind.

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